2017-2018 55+ Resource Guide
ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY CONT. K-Loan.........................................................................................k-loan.net Kansas association for the Visually Impaired................... 316-722-4291 kabvi.com Kansas Truck Mobility........................................................ 316-722-4291 kansastruckmobility.com N-Focus Inc., LowVision Solutions Kansas.........................866-963-6287 ncfocuslowvision.com Nikken Health &Wellness Solutions...................................316-945-8903 Resource Center for Independent Living............................800-580-7245 rcilinc.org SouthCentral Kansas AssistiveTechnology. ....316-942-5444; 800-526-3648 atk.ku.edu Talking Books................................................................800-362-0699ext.1 kslib.info/talking Via Christi Home Medical.....................................................316-265-4991 via-christi.org
If you have correction or an addition to be considered for inclusion in next year’s 55+ Resource Guide please send email to info-sc@cpaaa.org
Watch TV?
Recognize faces?
Read labels on bottles or print in newspapers or books?
Go about your daily activities with eyeglasses?
The Envision Vision Rehabilitation Center can help you keep or regain your independence if you are facing signs of vision loss. Call to schedule an evaluation. We accept Medicare, Kancare and most commercial insurance plans.
To improve the quality of life and provide inspiration for the blind and visually impaired through employment, outreach, rehabilitation, education and research.
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