C. Make full use of 15 years of administrative and accounting experience as controller for companies as small as 250 employees to as large as Koch Industries of Wichita reporting to the Controller of all Divisions for 2 years. Mother’s Touch plans to be managed efficiently to deliver quality service at optimum cost D. Develop the service to achieve Medicare certification faster than average using lessons learned in the prior start-ups E. Focus time and people resources to develop in depth relationships with key people and organizations in the Denver medical and social services community
Time line of Roll-out and designation of capital usage: Funding will be used for working capital. The working capital needs cover expenses like rent, salaries, advertising (promotion, marketing materials, research as examples), offering expenses, and legal and professional fees. The remainder of working capital will be used to support the ongoing operations and expansion into the Denver Colorado metro area. This Medicare Certification phase
and other uses and timing of working capital uses are: 1) Relocation to Denver [1 month]: working capital use. 2) Begin Medicare Certification preparation, submission, process, survey, and approval. [estimated 9 months]: working capital use. 3) Apply for and receive access to Medicare's billing system - [estimated 3 months]: working capital use. 4) Provide care to patients concurrent with application to Medicare's billing system per "3) above, working capital use for early operations. 5) Once Medicare billing system accessible, bill for care provided during "3) and 4)" above. Accept all patients, operational use of working capital. Total Medicare certification process starting with relocation to Denver through receipt of 1st Medicare reimbursement should be 13 months. Conclusion: The Company feels the Denver market provides a compelling opportunity for the development and operation of a financially profitable hospice care business. The Company’s plan is further bolstered by the experience of the management team and the demographics of the U.S. population.
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